Glass refinement in perfection

Wether exclusive or standard line – we crown every type of drink! Because we are specialists in the branch of glass.
With the right type of refinement we ensure that your product will be distinctive!

Due to our diverse finishing processes we hit the right note for every article to place it significantly on the market. Therefore glass refinement is an established and ideal method to create expression und impress your customers

Powder coating

Powder coating is an environmentally-friendly application procedure for glass coating. Glass coating with powder lacquer is an excellent alternative as the colour glass melting process is extremely complex and therefore expensive. With the help of powder coating, we can help turn your siphon or your bottle into ceramic or stoneware optics. Glass coating with all RAL colours is also possible. This will increase the product’s optical value and also its image as a gift jug.

Cold slide decors

Your brewery coat of arms or special designs – for printing on the bottle, we use so-called cold slide decors as produced in screen printing. The decors are then burned into the bottles via precise manual work. The colour spectrum includes both ceramic and also organic colour prints – depending on how the bottles are to be used. Precisely with the large siphons, we use the new organic decors as these are only burned in at 180° C. This means that no high temperature fluctuations will take place and stress cracking will be prevented. The finished products are nevertheless washing machine-suitable.

Direct printing

Depending on the geometry and size, bottles can also be printed using the valuable screen direct printing process. Depending on the size of the order quantity (batch size), this method can also be considered as an attractive option when printing in one or more colors.


We offer another possibility for glass refinement with our semi-automatic labelling machine. This procedure is specially suited to swing top bottles as optical control places the labels exactly in the middle below the lock. With labelling, we normally use the so-called “no label look” tags. These are laminated, self-adhesive and printed on transparent foil. Other supporting materials can of course be used. Our “no label look” tags are suitable for washing and filling procedures. Particularly for smaller issues – e. g., for a birthday, wedding or jubilee bottle – this procedure is a good value alternative to screen printing.

Digital printing

This printig method allows a low-cost printing even at low quantities.

Personalized designs for any occasion

Let your products become eyecatchers and give them a strong image. Printed or coated bottles give your customers a visual pre-taste of the enjoyment that they contain.

GlasTop offers you fresh designs for beer bottles thus creating product packaging that express individuality and style.

"Celebrate with us"

© 2025 GlasTop Glasveredelungs GmbH, Köstener Str. 4, 96215 Lichtenfels